H-D Electric Cooperative is more than just power lines, transformers, equipment, and meters. We are people: members, a board of directors, and a dedicated staff of employees.

Our Mission:
"Committed to Safely Enhance the Quality of Life for our Members, Employees and Communities"

Call Before You Dig
If you plan to dig a hole or trench more than a foot deep on you property, you must phone South Dakota One Call (811) or 800-781-7474 if you live outside South Dakota, at least 48 hours before you plan to excavate.
Rebates, Loans, and Other Incentives
H-D Electric along with our power supplier, East River Electric Power Cooperative, team up to provide a number of rebate and loan programs for our members.
Cooperative Connections
Read the latest edition of Cooperative Connections, our monthly newsletter.
H-D Electric
Committed to Safely Enhance the Quality of Life for our Members, Employees, and Communities.